The Power of Words


The Power of Words

So, how do you talk to yourself?

I often start my Yoga Nidra workshops asking: "how do you feel?"

You'll hear me say: "Find 1 to 3 words that describe how you feel at this moment."

It gives the students a starting point.
It's important to know this information to see if we feel any differently after the practice.
It's also important to notice if we judge ourselves for the way we feel and what other words may come to mind as we pass judgment on ourselves.
The practice of Yoga Nidra is known to reframe the mind, which is especially important when the chatter in our mind turns to self-loathing.

Let me ask you, how do you speak to yourself when no one else is listening?

Do you say things like: "I'm so stupid," "I'm not good enough," "I'm such a dumb-ass," or even harsher words?
Or am I the only one who speaks to myself in that way?

Do you know how it actually affects you on a deeper cellular level?

According to (very simplified) quantum physics, everything is energy, calibrated to vibrate at different frequencies. Each vibration is equivalent to a feeling. In that energetic world, there are only two types of vibrations: Positive energy & Negative energy.

So why does it matter, and what does it have to do with the power of words?

Masaru Emoto, a famous Japanese scientist, performed a series of tests on the effects words have on water using the concept that words have a vibrational impact.
He took water from the purest stream and polluted river in Japan for his experiments.

He then labeled the vials with words like love, appreciation, gratitude, while other vials were labeled with words like hate, you make me sick, or Hitler.
After 24 hours, he put the water of each labeled vial on a slide. He then froze each slide and looked at them using a microscope.

The results are incredible.
The crystals from the water labeled with positive emotions such as Love & Gratitude showed perfectly shaped hexagonal pure crystals. In contrast, feelings such as hate led to dark, mishappen crystals, no matter if the water was polluted or crystal clear to start with.

Check out the short video to see the effect words have on the water. It’s fascinating!

Since our bodies are made of 50-70%, imagine the power the words we tell ourselves has on us?

What now?

Here are three ways you can use words to heal and uplift:

Turn self-criticism into self-compassion

Notice what you tell yourself often to criticize yourself, even playfully - and think about what you would tell your best friend if they were saying that about themself. Talk to yourself as you would your best friend.

Self-compassion will help you turn your words around into positive inner dialogue that will benefit you, encourage you, and help you get to where you want to go.

I love you is a mantra.

Look at yourself in a mirror and tell yourself what you need/want to hear to uplift you.

In the 5-Day Dream Challenge I created, I invite the participants to stare at their own eyes in a bathroom mirror and tell themselves out loud: Their name, I love you, for 1 minute to start with. Then, do it for 21 days in a row and see if the relationship you have with yourself starts to change.

It sounds easy enough, right?

I'd love to hear your feedback and thoughts after doing that exercise.

Words matter

What words bring positivity to your whole being?

Write them down on your vision board, notepad, or better yet, on post-it notes that you place around the house and on your desk at work (if you're back at the office). Read them out loud when you see them:

  • Abundance,

  • Trust,

  • Love,

  • Bliss,

  • Appreciation,

  • Gratitude,

  • Ease,

  • Balanced,

  • Confidence,

  • Radiance,

  • Pleasure,

  • Empowerment

  • ______________ Add your own here

Words like the ones above will raise your vibration, giving you the power to change your world.
Using words consciously will shift your energy and bring more of what you want in your life.

Words can heal, or words can hurt. Choose wisely!


Full Moon Reading  12/18/21


Full Moon Reading 12/18/21

Pick a Card

From the Divine Feminine Oracle Card Deck.

Once you have picked your card, scroll down and read your Full Moon Card!


The essence of all buddhas

I have the power to make each moment sacred.
Everything is material for my liberation


Vajrayogini is the power we all possess to transform mundane experiences into higher spiritual paths. Vajrayogini is considered the supreme deity of the Tantric pantheon. She is both a Dakini (Tantric priestess) and a female Buddha. According to scholar Miranda Shaw, "no other male Buddha, including her divine consort, approaches her metaphysical or practical import." She is the essence of all the Buddhas, and to meditate on her brings immediate blessings to the practitioner.


No matter what has happened, recently or in the past, Vajrayogini reminds us that we possess the fierce wisdom that transmutes any pain or suffering into deep lessons that free us and bring us more joy. She's the call to wake up if we've fallen into that old myth that something or someone outside of us is going to save us. She's here to make it loud and clear that what is within us will save us. We can take this moment right here, right now to turn everything sacred.

Her energy is sharp, intense, and uncompromising. She will not let you remain in an illusion or a disempowering story about who you really are. She wants you to sever all the ties to your ego's relationship to a person or to an event in your life, and see it again with the third eye--with the wisdom that can perceive the deeper spiritual path beneath the human drama.

This red, female Buddha is the power we all have in every moment to take a seemingly everyday event, or annoyance, or unfortunate occurrence and use it for our own enlightenment. She reminds us that everything is rich material for us to use to elevate our reality as an embodied soul.



Card #2 • SHENIKAH

the presence of the divine feminine

At the center of everything, there is a light.
And I am that light.


The Shekinah represents the omnipresence and the immanence of the divine feminine. The word Shekinah in Hebrew means settle, to inhabit, or to dwell." It represents an experience of the divine presence right here in the body, and in the world.


In the Zohar, the main sacred text in Kabbalah, the Shekinah is described as being a world within the world, as a bright radiance at the center of everything. All life on earth, all consciousness is a part of her light and is therefore sacred. The metaphysical theory of immanence is that the divine presence is manifested in the material world. So there isn't actually any matter, whether organic or inorganic, that isn't also a part of the divine.

The Shekinah is light that inhabits your body, your cells, and is in the cells of all the people and objects you see around you. She is also about pure experience. She is the message, the truth that there is a light at the center of everything that happens to us--both the "good" and the "bad.”

And the Shekinah is the reminder that we are not just this body, or this pain we might be going through or this confusing moment in our brief life. We are light. We are molecules of heaven in human form. And right now we can just know this. We can experience the light we are. And that can be enough. That can be the miracle and the answer we actually need. Not words, or meaning, but simply (and more profoundly) pure radiant being.



Card #3 • LAKSHMI

the goddess of abundance

I choose to feel abundant. Wealth is an inside job.


Lakshmi personifies the splendor and affluence that arrives when we align our every action with what the soul desires most for us.

Reverence for the Hindu goddess Lakshmi dates back to the 1st millennium B.C.E. She is known as the goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity. Her name is derived from the Sanskrit root laks and laksa, meaning to know, understand, or to have a goal.


Abundance looks different to each of us. Some people have incalculable material wealth but are bereft of a sense of purpose or a greater vision for their life and so are left feeling lost. While others are considered poor in financial wealth but walk around radiating love and the kind of light that has an inestimable worth. Lakshmi is the auspiciousness that begins to bloom in our life when we align our every action with the work our soul has come here to do.

Lakshmi reminds us of the ultimate goal, which is not making money, but being able to know our true bliss. What makes us feel lit up like a glow stick while we're doing it? What work doesn't feel like work at all? Lakshmi is a wink to find that vocation, that bliss so that what is within us comes into full bloom through something we can do and show the world.

Lakshmi represents both the gold we can hold in our hands and the gold we can become by doing work that feeds our soul. She's the reminder that true abundance doesn't come from our bank statement. It comes from a state of mind we enter when we know we are contributing great worth to the world in the effort of becoming more love.


Five Tips To Let Yourself Live Your Dream Life!


Five Tips To Let Yourself Live Your Dream Life!

Have you ever felt like something is missing?

Although you may have a good job, a loving partner, amazing kids, a place you call home… you feel a void in your heart, an emptiness.

And if you listen closely, you may hear a whisper.
That’s your heart nudging you, trying to get your attention, and asking you to explore your dreams.
Letting your heart whisper its desires may bring up some uneasiness. Guilt may even set in.
You may hear your inner voice say:
”I have a wonderful life, I should be happy with what I have.”
”Others are happy with much less than I have, why do I need more?”

But going through the motions is no longer enough.
You want to explore, write, paint, dance, learn to teach yoga, play an instrument, sing…move to another State :)

So how do you let yourself do just that?

    You are a unique human being with your own sets of skills. Embrace who you are. No one is quite like you. Your uniqueness is your gift. So why do you compare yourself to others?
    Let your light shine brightly. The world needs you as you are.
    Dr. Seuss said it best when it said: "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."

    When your mind takes you on a spiraling journey of doubts, fears, and anxious feelings, acknowledge where you are. It is not easy to change our ways.
    Take a breath. Stay present and connected to your surroundings. Go outside, look at a tree, hug your pet, take ten deep breaths (count them backward), take a walk, smile at a stranger, talk to a friend, take a meditation class, journal…
    Then and only then will you be able to keep going.

    There's nothing like sharing your passions with others. So if you like reading, create a reading club, if you practicing your language skills, join a MeetUp group, If you want to learn a new skill, go to a class, if you want to brainstorm, have coffee dates to discuss your passions. Surround yourself with inspiration. And watch yourself light up!

    To grow means to be uncomfortable.
    There is no other way around it.
    So if your dreams bring discomfort, rejoice in the fact that you're on the right path!
    The good news is you don't have to do it alone! See #3 for your support group, and think about hiring a coach who can help you maneuver through the challenges when you feel stuck. Plus, with the support, you will get to your destination faster!

  5. REFRAME YOUR MINDSET: Turn Limitations Into Possibilities
    "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible" Audrey Hepburn

    Need I say more?


Ready to step into your Dream Life?

Let’s talk about how you can live the life you’ve always wanted.
Book a Complimentary Vision Call


Will you help me?


Will you help me?

Will you help me spread joy?

December can be heavy for some of us. 

  • First, It's the darkest month of the year.

  • Second, the Holidays can be super stressful.

  • Third, we're still in a pandemic.

  • Fourth, it's a time when we may feel lonelier; we miss our family, especially if we're far away. 

  • Fifth, the loss of the people who are no longer with us feels heavier whether they transitioned recently or years ago.

  • Sixth, Seventh… we can go on.

As you may (or may not) know, I lost my dad on New Year's Day.

He was ill and chose his favorite Holiday to depart his body.
He knew how to spread joy around him. He threw the best parties on New Year's Eve, surrounding himself with friends and family and having fun until the wee hours of the night.
The parties were EPIC. We still talk about it.

That memory alone fills me with joy.

Every year, I feel his presence strongest around this time of year. And although he passed on Jan. 1st, 2007, grief has a sneaky way to poke its head and reminds me that some wounds are never really closed.
So to honor his memory and all of us who go through difficult moments around the Holiday Season, I decided to post one picture a day on Instagram of the little things that bring my joy.
It won't be earth-shattering pictures, just simple moments like a sunset, my morning cup of coffee, my favorite scarf that makes me feel yummy inside, my journal… Because, in my experience, acknowledging the little things that bring us joy makes it a little easier to go through difficult times.

So, will you join me in spreading joy?

Post one picture a day for the next 15 days (until Dec. 21st, the winter solstice & the longest night of the year). It can be on IG, FB, or whatever platform you use.
You can add it to your story or your page.
Tag me so I can feel your joy :)
I hope that it inspires you & those around you to look outside ourselves & notice the little things that bring a warm feeling inside and a smile on your face.
What brings us joy in the darkest time of the year can make someone that needs it the most feel less alone.

Are you in?


3 easy ways to help us spread Joy through the Holidays


3 easy ways to help us spread Joy through the Holidays

December 2021 is here!

We almost made it through another year.
One more month to go and that is a celebration on its own, don't you think?

As we reflect on the past year, I invite you to celebrate your accomplishments, whether you think there were big or small. Getting through another day is worth celebrating just as much as any significant goals you accomplished this year.

Stress, Loneliness, Overstimulation.

The Holiday seasons are usually pretty hectic. We spend our time:

  • going to parties or hosting them (even during COVID times which can make it more challenging and nerve-wracking),

  • shopping for our loved ones (while on a tight budget or not),

  • feeling homesick (if we're away from our loved ones),

  • feeling lonely as we're trying to navigate through it all as the light gets dimmer.

Dreams, Lights, Wonders.

It's also a magical time where we get to see the season through the children's eyes around us and within us.
A time for hope, change, and connection. A time where our imagination sparkles with the twinkling of the lights, the songs we hear, and the warmth in our hearts.

Three easy ways to help us spread Joy through the Holidays

To help you through the season, here are three things you can add to your Holiday routine and bring a smile to your face.

  1. Love On Yourself!
    It starts with YOU!
    Nights are the longest of the year. So when the light outside is dimmer, let your own light shine brighter. Take time for yourself, light candles around the house, take a warm bath with fresh rose petals and your favorite essential oil, lather yourself in your favorite lotion, listen to your favorite songs. Do all the little things that make you feel special. Nourish your body and your mind thoroughly and with love so you can share your light with all around you.

  2. Buy Yourself A Gift!
    You worked hard all year long; you took care of your partner, kids, pup/kitty, friends, and family. You have been there for them to the best of your ability.
    You deserve to reward yourself.
    Give yourself something that gives you a "feel good" sensation all over your body. It doesn't have to be extravagant, but it can be. It just has to be something you really want.
    Something that makes you feel special.
    Make your own heart melt.

  3. The Power Of Giving
    I love bringing a smile to someone's face, and giving to others fills my heart with so much joy.
    That's what the season is about, isn't it? Spreading joy?
    I invite you to share yourself in different ways. First, of course, you can buy a unique gift or service from a local independently owned business/store (I love supporting the community), but you can also give something of yourself:

    • If you're a musician, share your music, invite your friends to join.

    • if you're a visual artist, share the art that makes your heart sing

    • If you love cooking, cook a special meal for your BFF

    • If you're a yoga teacher, gift your students/friends a short class (mantra, meditation, vinyasa flow, beginners…)

      In other words, whatever you love, share it authentically. Let people in!
      Share your Joy!

It's also important to me to give back to charity or to fundraisers to make a someone's dream come true. To me, it's what the Holiday Spirit is all about.
Choose a charity or cause that speaks to you and if you can't give monetarily, give your time. It is just as important, if not more.

Are you inspired to spread Joy this December?
Your family, friends, neighbors, community, and the world need it!

With Love from Santa Monica,

Happy December, Y'all!
