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From the Divine Feminine Oracle Card Deck.
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The essence of all buddhas
I have the power to make each moment sacred.
Everything is material for my liberation
Vajrayogini is the power we all possess to transform mundane experiences into higher spiritual paths. Vajrayogini is considered the supreme deity of the Tantric pantheon. She is both a Dakini (Tantric priestess) and a female Buddha. According to scholar Miranda Shaw, "no other male Buddha, including her divine consort, approaches her metaphysical or practical import." She is the essence of all the Buddhas, and to meditate on her brings immediate blessings to the practitioner.
No matter what has happened, recently or in the past, Vajrayogini reminds us that we possess the fierce wisdom that transmutes any pain or suffering into deep lessons that free us and bring us more joy. She's the call to wake up if we've fallen into that old myth that something or someone outside of us is going to save us. She's here to make it loud and clear that what is within us will save us. We can take this moment right here, right now to turn everything sacred.
Her energy is sharp, intense, and uncompromising. She will not let you remain in an illusion or a disempowering story about who you really are. She wants you to sever all the ties to your ego's relationship to a person or to an event in your life, and see it again with the third eye--with the wisdom that can perceive the deeper spiritual path beneath the human drama.
This red, female Buddha is the power we all have in every moment to take a seemingly everyday event, or annoyance, or unfortunate occurrence and use it for our own enlightenment. She reminds us that everything is rich material for us to use to elevate our reality as an embodied soul.
Card #2 • SHENIKAH
the presence of the divine feminine
At the center of everything, there is a light.
And I am that light.
The Shekinah represents the omnipresence and the immanence of the divine feminine. The word Shekinah in Hebrew means settle, to inhabit, or to dwell." It represents an experience of the divine presence right here in the body, and in the world.
In the Zohar, the main sacred text in Kabbalah, the Shekinah is described as being a world within the world, as a bright radiance at the center of everything. All life on earth, all consciousness is a part of her light and is therefore sacred. The metaphysical theory of immanence is that the divine presence is manifested in the material world. So there isn't actually any matter, whether organic or inorganic, that isn't also a part of the divine.
The Shekinah is light that inhabits your body, your cells, and is in the cells of all the people and objects you see around you. She is also about pure experience. She is the message, the truth that there is a light at the center of everything that happens to us--both the "good" and the "bad.”
And the Shekinah is the reminder that we are not just this body, or this pain we might be going through or this confusing moment in our brief life. We are light. We are molecules of heaven in human form. And right now we can just know this. We can experience the light we are. And that can be enough. That can be the miracle and the answer we actually need. Not words, or meaning, but simply (and more profoundly) pure radiant being.
Card #3 • LAKSHMI
the goddess of abundance
I choose to feel abundant. Wealth is an inside job.
Lakshmi personifies the splendor and affluence that arrives when we align our every action with what the soul desires most for us.
Reverence for the Hindu goddess Lakshmi dates back to the 1st millennium B.C.E. She is known as the goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity. Her name is derived from the Sanskrit root laks and laksa, meaning to know, understand, or to have a goal.
Abundance looks different to each of us. Some people have incalculable material wealth but are bereft of a sense of purpose or a greater vision for their life and so are left feeling lost. While others are considered poor in financial wealth but walk around radiating love and the kind of light that has an inestimable worth. Lakshmi is the auspiciousness that begins to bloom in our life when we align our every action with the work our soul has come here to do.
Lakshmi reminds us of the ultimate goal, which is not making money, but being able to know our true bliss. What makes us feel lit up like a glow stick while we're doing it? What work doesn't feel like work at all? Lakshmi is a wink to find that vocation, that bliss so that what is within us comes into full bloom through something we can do and show the world.
Lakshmi represents both the gold we can hold in our hands and the gold we can become by doing work that feeds our soul. She's the reminder that true abundance doesn't come from our bank statement. It comes from a state of mind we enter when we know we are contributing great worth to the world in the effort of becoming more love.