Will you help me spread joy?

December can be heavy for some of us. 

  • First, It's the darkest month of the year.

  • Second, the Holidays can be super stressful.

  • Third, we're still in a pandemic.

  • Fourth, it's a time when we may feel lonelier; we miss our family, especially if we're far away. 

  • Fifth, the loss of the people who are no longer with us feels heavier whether they transitioned recently or years ago.

  • Sixth, Seventh… we can go on.

As you may (or may not) know, I lost my dad on New Year's Day.

He was ill and chose his favorite Holiday to depart his body.
He knew how to spread joy around him. He threw the best parties on New Year's Eve, surrounding himself with friends and family and having fun until the wee hours of the night.
The parties were EPIC. We still talk about it.

That memory alone fills me with joy.

Every year, I feel his presence strongest around this time of year. And although he passed on Jan. 1st, 2007, grief has a sneaky way to poke its head and reminds me that some wounds are never really closed.
So to honor his memory and all of us who go through difficult moments around the Holiday Season, I decided to post one picture a day on Instagram of the little things that bring my joy.
It won't be earth-shattering pictures, just simple moments like a sunset, my morning cup of coffee, my favorite scarf that makes me feel yummy inside, my journal… Because, in my experience, acknowledging the little things that bring us joy makes it a little easier to go through difficult times.

So, will you join me in spreading joy?

Post one picture a day for the next 15 days (until Dec. 21st, the winter solstice & the longest night of the year). It can be on IG, FB, or whatever platform you use.
You can add it to your story or your page.
Tag me so I can feel your joy :)
I hope that it inspires you & those around you to look outside ourselves & notice the little things that bring a warm feeling inside and a smile on your face.
What brings us joy in the darkest time of the year can make someone that needs it the most feel less alone.

Are you in?
