“You know, one of the things I think is so valuable in knowing how to move forward in your life is having clarity on what it is you really want […] knowing in the spirit & soul of yourself what it is you really want because that’s how you start drawing that to yourself.”

Oprah Winfrey, from Adele One Night Only Interview.

What do you truly desire?

It seems like an easy enough question to answer until we stop and think about it seriously.

We may then realize that we don’t exactly know what we truly want. Or rather, we may discover a lot of discomforts when we explore our deepest desires. 

It could be from fears of:

  • not being able to get what our heart wants (so we talk ourselves out of it), 

  • being judged for what we truly wish for (what would “they” think of me if they knew),

  • the idea that we’re not deserving of it,

  • Insert other personal reason here ________

So how do I figure out what I really want?

That’s a good question!

Finding our wants is easier when we remove the ego from the equation.
Yoga Nidra is a great way to do that.

What is Yoga Nidra?

It’s a guided meditation practiced in savasana (laying down) known to release stress & anxiety. It translates as “yogic sleep.”
It also relaxes students so much, their body falls asleep as their consciousness stays aware.
The ego then becomes dormant for the most part, making it easier to access their heart’s desires. 

During the meditation, students also set a Sankalpa, a resolve.

Think of it as a resolution from a place deep within.

When the ego rests, what is revealed is pure and simple.
Untainted by the society we live in and expectations from our family, friends, and co-workers.
We get in touch with our inner light and what makes us feel alive.
We may even discover our purpose.

When I teach an extended Nidra meditation, students experience a sense of well-being, connection, and harmony with ALL around them. It brings them back to their true selves.

They discover who they were all along. Their dreams are revealed, and they can start manifesting them and working on stepping forward to meet them.

In 2022 I will be leading a monthly workshop and short weekly Nidra classes.

Are you ready to experience the magic?

It’s time to find your wants & find yourself!
