
What is intuition?

According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, it is:

  • a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof.

  • A feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why.

Intuition is a gut feeling, something you know, although you’re unsure when you learned it or where that knowledge comes from.

We often dismiss our intuition in the western world, choosing logic and “proven” facts over intuition.
From a very young age, we are told to use our logistic mind to make decisions.
Our instinctual behavior took a back seat in the name of progress and “civilization” to separate us from the animal category. The truth is, we are mammals. However, what separates us from the other species is that we can use both intuition and rationality.
And to make our best decisions as human beings, we must learn to get back in touch with our intuitive sense.

So how do we balance ourselves and develop our intuition?

Yoga Helps!

The physical practice of yoga with the asanas (poses) of Hatha (Vinyasa, Ashtanga…) helps quiet the chatter of the mind and connects us to our physical body. As we move, breathe, and sweat, we learn to release the overflow of busy energy to prepare us for meditation.
Meditation is key to develop our intuition.
As we get back in touch with our “true-self” (So Ham), we learn to operate from an intuitive place, a place of all-knowing and inner guidance. We realize that we are not separate from all around us but connected to all sentient beings. We are so much more than our physical bodies.

Creative Outlets

We are all creative beings. We express ourselves through so many different mediums:
Painting, sculpting, drawing, writing, composing and playing music, dancing, and… anything that helps us express our emotions beyond mundane exchange to a deeper level of communication also helps us develop our intuition. We uncover a voice from within that wants to be heard outside our bodies and exist in its own unique way. The guidance you listen to throughout the process of creating is your intuition.


Keep a journal to record your random thoughts and dreams. Pay attention to the patterns or coincidences of the words you use, the events you write about, the emotions that come up as you are writing. They are messages to help you navigate life and know yourself more intimately. Journaling is a tool for self-discovery.

Your body holds the key.

Our bodies are intuitive. Listen to it when you sense that something is not quite right. Notice where you feel it in your body.
Do you get a headache when you’re around certain people? Do you feel nauseous? Or do you have butterflies in your stomach?
Learn to trust these sensations. It is your intuition speaking. Listen.
You’ll learn to rely on these sensations to make decisions about people or situations around you that will serve you.

Developing our intuition takes time and practice.
I use it to guide students through yoga nidra meditation and asana practices.

As an intuitive coach, I also rely on my inner guidance to help you develop your own intuition that you can use for your everyday life, your career, and achieving your dreams.

Are you ready to listen to your inner voice and follow your heart?
You now have 4 ways to start developing your own intuition. Choose one of the above & practice it for 2 weeks. Please share with me how your intuition is showing up! I would love to hear!


Cathy D.

PS - Whenever you are ready… Here are more ways you can develop your intuition:
