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I saw my 1st bald eagle in the wild today.

Who knew that I would experience such a majestic sighting in Des Moines, IA?

Seeing an eagle symbolizes change and can mean that it is time to prepare for transformation and gather courage, strength, and wisdom.
I am embarking on a new journey and asked for a sign, so I know seeing this beautiful bird of prey is no coincidence.

Life takes unexpected turns sometimes. Some we cherish, some that ultimately makes us grow.
As we approach the end of Summer 2020, I reflect on what I've learned so far this year and especially this summer.
I've learned that:

  • nothing is permanent

  • pushing the pause button is necessary, so I can remain mindful and present (even when the button is pressed for me)

  • I am a human BEING, not DOING (so difficult to simply be!)

  • I am forever a student.

  • I have biases passed onto me by my upbringing, ancestors, and the society I live in

  • I need to continue to challenge the knowledge I am offered and question the source instead of blindly accepting it as truth (do my research!)

  • I am privileged because of the color of the skin I was born in (white identifying)

  • I will never know what it feels like to live in a black or brown body. The empathy I feel is nothing compared to a lived experience.

  • I must listen, truly listen

  • I will mess up over and over, AND I must keep trying

  • I can make a difference (each drop in the ocean, makes the whole ocean)

  • I must follow my heart

  • I will keep fighting for Equity, for Love, for what's right

  • and, SO MUCH MORE…

Some of this knowledge comes from trainings I took with:

• Seane Corn,

• Michelle Cassandra Johnson, (follow her on IG, take her workshops + training + watch her TEDx Talk),

• Brima Jah, who teaches a Yoga & Social Equity teacher training, (it should be a requirement for ALL yoga teachers currently teaching in the US) and,

• Ambient Noise Training.

Over the summer, I also participated in a 21-day abundance meditation challenge led by Deepak Chopra. I took an online coaching class led by Giovanni Marsico from Archangel Academy called Dream Circle.
It opened up my eyes and heart to my deepest calling. I am now taking the leap and am in the process of creating a mentoring/coaching program designed to help people discover or get back in touch with their unique gift(s) and empower them to take the steps to follow their dreams. I genuinely believe that if each and every one of us were living our dharma, the world would be a better place.
As I am developing my project, I will also take an intuitive coaching training for the next six months to help me built it.

Yoga is still and will forever be a big part of my life, so expect to see some aspects of it in my program (more to be revealed in the months to come)
Starting in October, I will continue to offer online classes and workshops. And coming in 2021, I am putting together a 25 hour Yoga Nidra Teacher Training 1 & 2 (Yoga Alliance accredited).

A lot is happening, and I'm excited about it.

2020, What a year so far!
