Tell me, do you have a New Year’s resolution for 2023?
Have you made New Year’s resolutions in the past and not kept them?
New Year's resolutions are often seen as a way for people to set goals and make positive changes in their lives. However, if you have ever set such a goal for yourself, you might have found that your resolutions did not work, and perhaps you have struggled to keep them.
There are several reasons why this may be the case.
Overall, many challenges and obstacles can make it difficult for you to stick to your New Year's resolutions. To increase your chances of success, it is important to set realistic goals, develop a clear plan, and seek out support and encouragement from others.
So, this year why don’t you try something new?
Every January 1st, I lead a Yoga Nidra workshop:
to relax & let go of the stress your body and mind have accumulated over the Holidays,
to release the previous year and everything you’ve been through,
and to manifest what your heart truly desires in the upcoming year (without your ego telling you what to do or wish for).
In Yoga Nidra, we set an intention instead of a resolution. This meditation helps keep the ego at bay and allows you to open up to your most authentic desires.
It’s the perfect way to start the new year!
You will feel refreshed and ready for 2023!
+ I am also adding a Vision Board-making workshop after the meditation this year.
It’s going to be EPIC!
So click the invitation button above to get all the information and join us for a fun, relaxing, empowering workshop and the best way to start the new year!
Wishing you & yours a Happy Holiday Season!
With Love from Santa Monica,
Cathy D