Tarot Card Reading 8/27/22


From Beyond Lemuria Oracle Deck

By Izzy Ivy


Music: Bleach • Musician: anatu • https://icons8.com/music/


Card 1 - Unique Gifts

When Your

Soul Chooses This Card

The “Unique Gifts” card represents your superpowers, a sense of purpose, the meaning behind your quirks, exploring your interests, 'shortcomings' as unique undiscovered skills.

What makes you unique? Any quirks that you feel are shortcomings could be the key to your superpowers. Look for the positive sides of your oddities and traits. How would you like to spend more time? Are there things you would like to try or feel a pull to explore? Now is the time to follow these whispers - you never know how transformational they may be.



Card 2 - Balanced Forces

When Your

Soul Chooses This Card

The “Balanced Forces” card represents Yin and Yang, productive flow, masculine and feminine energy, the balance of duality, patriarchal paradigm being re-balanced, equality, balance in perspective.

This card invites you to look at masculine and feminine energy from a more balanced perspective. Is the situation at hand on the more masculine side of the spectrum? Can it be tempered with feminine energy? Vice versa, would the addition of masculine energy bring balance? What needs to happen to form a more holistic and equalized foundation? Do you normally hold a position of one extreme? How might you balance this so you can experience a more optimized state of being? To bring more masculine drive and focus to a situation (for instance, if you have some upcoming due dates and you need to get into action mode) focus on your goals, desires, and ambitions. If you want to engage more feminine energy for receptivity, trust, flow, and surrender, consider all the things you are grateful for already.

Feel the warmth, gratitude, and comfort of knowing everything is divinely perfect just the way it is.



Card 3 - Home

When Your

Soul Chooses This Card

The “Home” card represents Heart-based presence, grounding, finding home within yourself wherever you are, the body as a temple for the soul, travel, finding family wherever you go, occupying yourself, connecting to your unwavering infinite depths and the collective oneness.

This card invites you to align with your temple space. Consider all the amazing things your body does and how you effortlessly move through reality. Become aware of the many gifts that come from a deep sense of truly occupying your 'self'.
Often, very intuitive souls exist within the upper chakras and may struggle with the density of 'human-ing'. You may not feel like you are from here, but as though you are more accustomed to navigating a world with different parameters.
At this time on Earth, it is a blessing to have the vessel of a body. It is an opportunity to make a difference, so celebrate it! You have dreams and visions and may yearn to float around in more etheric realms, but it is when we are fully grounded and present in our bodies that we can actualize these ideas and make a difference.
Be grounded, find your home, as just like a tree, the deeper our roots, the higher we can reach into the heavens